Apr 09, 2020
CBA AGM Postponed
Dear CBA member(s), The CBA board has decided to postpone our AGM that was scheduled for April 29th.
Guidance from the BC Societies Online website regarding Covid-19 and AGMs is as follows:————————————————————————————————————————
It is important that Societies and those individuals involved with Societies follow guidelines and recommendations set forth by the Provincial Health Officer, B.C. Health Minister, and Canada Health guidelines in regards to COVID-19.
Section 71 of the Societies Act provides flexibility as to when AGMs are held.
A society has until December 31 to hold an Annual General Meeting. If an Annual General Meeting is not held prior to December 31 then the society may file the Annual Report as No Meeting Held on January 1st.
A society may also file online for an extension to AGM date between November 1 to December 31 of the calendar year in which the AGM is supposed to be held. The society can then hold a meeting up to March 31 of the following year.
The CBA board decided to postpone our AGM until later in the year when hopefully restrictions on meetings will be lifted.
The Treasurer’s Report along with the CBA’s Financial Statements for the 2019 fiscal year are provided for your information.
Treasurer’s Report and CBA Financial Statements for 2019Also attached are:
Draft minutes from the 2019 CBA AGM
PowerPoint Presentation from the 2019 CBA AGMThe current Directors will continue to manage the affairs of the CBA until elections can be conducted at a rescheduled AGM. The board continues to hold meetings and manage the Association’s affairs online.
Take care of yourselves and hope to see all of you at our rescheduled AGM.
CBA Board of Directors