When And Where

Date: 11/22/2021 Time: 07:00 PM


Letters to the Editor

You are always welcome to write to the CBA board of directors if you have a question or comment relevant to Cordova Bay. One of the directors will be pleased to respond. Please contact us by e-mail: president@cbaca.ca. We look forward to hearing from you.

Something to share?

If you have a community announcement you are welcome to write us to: letter-to-editor@cbaca.ca.

  • Nov 17, 2021

    986 and 990 Doumac Avenue- Rezoning and Development Permit Application

    Hello, the following message is from Saanich Council

    This email is the official notification that the Rezoning and Development Permit Application for 986 and 990 Doumac Avenue will be considered by Saanich Council at a Special Council meeting to be held on Monday, November 22, 2021, in Council Chambers, Saanich Municipal Hall, 770 Vernon Avenue, commencing at 7:00 p.m. 

    Monday, November 22, 2021
    commencing at 7:00 p.m. 
    Council Chambers, Saanich Municipal Hall
    770 Vernon Avenue

     Although in-person attendance is now permitted, space for attendees in the Council Chambers is extremely limited due to COVID-19 related safety measures. It is available on a first-come, first-served basis. It is recommended that applicants and/or residents who wish to attend the meeting in person have an alternate plan for electronic participation in case space is not available. Electronic or telephone participation is strongly recommended.

    To register to speak at the meeting via telephone or video on MS Teams:

    • Email the meeting date, agenda item you wish to speak to, and your phone number to council@saanich.ca; or
    • Phone 250-475-5501 and specify which meeting date and agenda item you wish to speak to.

    Instructions will be emailed to all registrants on the afternoon of the meeting.

     Written correspondence received up to 12:00 p.m., noon, on the day of the meeting will be copied to Council for their consideration.  All correspondence submitted will form part of the public record and may be published in a meeting agenda.

    • Send your comments to Council by emailing council@saanich.ca
    • Mail your comments by post to Legislative Services, District of Saanich, 770 Vernon Avenue, Victoria, BC V8X 2W7.
    • Leave your written comments in the dropbox by the main door at Municipal Hall, 770 Vernon Avenue.

    The agenda package is available online, the Thursday before the meeting at Saanich.ca/agenda .

    An opportunity to speak during the meeting will be available, please watch the webstream for details. All meetings are streamed live on Saanich.ca

    If you have any questions concerning the report’s contents, please contact the Planning Department at 250-475-5471. If you have any questions concerning meeting procedures, please contact the Legislative Services Division at 250-475-5501 or by email at council@saanich.ca .

    Here is the response we had previously sent to Saanich.
    Subject: RE: Saanich Referral (986&990 Doumac Ave.)
    Cc: Deane Strongitharm
    To: Planning Planning <planning@saanich.ca>
    Sent: April 8, 2020 9:36 PM
    From: cba.president [

     Dear Planning Department:

    The CBA ‘Generally has no objection with suggested changes or concerns’.

    Consistent with previous correspondence from the CBA to Saanich Planning and Saanich
    Engineering, the CBA recommends that a traffic signal and pedestrian crosswalk are installed
    at the Doumac Ave./Cordova Bay Rd. intersection to adequately handle the anticipated traffic
    volumes and provide for safe pedestrian movement.  Significant increases in traffic volumes
    and pedestrian movement at this intersection are anticipated with the completion of this
    project and the ongoing redevelopment of the Cordova Bay Plaza. The signal would also
    assist with traffic calming through the “village” and provide welcome breaks in the traffic flow
    along Cordova Bay Rd.

    As far as the amenities contribution goes, the east-west access along Doumac had a high
    support level from participants in the LAP update process.  We only wish it was more!  $51K
    won’t go very far.

    Larry Gontovnick, President
    Cordova Bay Association for Community Affairs (CBA)