When And Where

Date: 10/03/2022 Time: 07:00 PM


Letters to the Editor

You are always welcome to write to the CBA board of directors if you have a question or comment relevant to Cordova Bay. One of the directors will be pleased to respond. Please contact us by e-mail: president@cbaca.ca. We look forward to hearing from you.

Something to share?

If you have a community announcement you are welcome to write us to: letter-to-editor@cbaca.ca.

  • Sep 16, 2022

    UPDATED with Recording: All Candidates’ Meeting -Monday October 3- Candidates in the upcoming Saanich Municipal Election

    UPDATE: Here is the link to the recording of tonight’s meeting – https://fb.watch/fXuio-hopG/

    The Broadmead Area Residents’ Association, the Cordova Bay Association for Community Affairs, the Falaise Community Association and the Blenkinsop Valley Community Association are jointly sponsoring an All Candidates’ Meeting for candidates in the upcoming Saanich Municipal Election on
    Monday, October 3 at 7:00 pm
    Claremont Secondary School (4980 Wesley Road).

    Mayoral and Council candidates will each make a brief presentation and answer questions. If you would like to attend this meeting, we strongly advise you to arrive early as in the past we have sometimes exceeded the allowable room capacity and have thus had to turn away people arriving right after 6:45pm. The doors will open at 6:15pm and candidates will be available for informal “meet and greet” purposes from 6:15 until shortly before 7pm.

    Candidates will be given pre-submitted questions. You are invited to submit a question to be used at the meeting; for guidelines, see below. The order in which submitted questions will be asked will determined by random selection. We will ask as many questions as we have time for but cannot guarantee all questions will be asked.

    Here are some guidelines:
    1. Questions must be addressed either to
    a) all candidates
    b) mayoral candidates only.
    They may not be addressed to a particular candidate or subset of candidates.

    2. Long preambles and long questions are discouraged. Keep questions short and to the point. We reserve the right to edit long questions or, in extreme cases, to reject them.

    3. We will have a “lightning round” with short answer questions, where candidates are allowed no more than 4 words to answer (though often just one word: “yes” or “no”). Mark “short answer” on any such question.

    Because we can ask more questions of this sort in a given time period, questions of this type will have a higher selection priority and are more likely to get asked.

    4. Questions posed only to the mayoral candidates will have a slightly higher selection priority. These should be clearly indicated as such (“For the mayoral candidates”).

    5. If you wish to submit more than one question, please clearly indicate which of the questions you submit is your first choice. With multiple submissions, the second and subsequent questions receive a lower selection priority and are much less likely to be selected.

    6. We reserve the right to reword questions slightly in cases where the same or a similar question has been submitted by two or more people so that a single question is asked rather than having the same or a similar question asked twice.

    7. The deadline for the submission of questions is 6:00pm Tuesday September 27.

    Please submit questions to president@cbaca.ca