Oct 18, 2021
Belonging in Victoria: Muslim Voices for Changes
You’re invited to join:
Belonging in Victoria: Muslim Voices for Change
Tuesday October 19, 7-9pmPlease register here and share this invite widely.
You are invited on Tuesday Oct 19 from 7-9pm, on Zoom, to join Muslim women from the community who will explore themes of Islamophobia, belonging, racism and safety by sharing their local and global everyday experiences. Inspired by their calls to action from the National Summit on Islamophobia that took place in July 2021, the panel offers concrete recommendations for meaningful action on addressing ongoing faith-based hate, racism and colonialism on the traditional territories of the lək̓ʷəŋən peoples. This panel will be moderated by Asiyah Robinson.
Sign up today! https://us02web.zoom.
us/webinar/register/WN_ f03G48i9RN6o2eK9oHRzBA This event is taking place as part of:
Vital Conversations for Our Shared Future Oct 18-20, 2021
Virtual event with a few in-person components at the Victoria Conference Centre
CUI x Victoria is an inspiring, engaging, inclusive series of events that generate possibility and excitement about our shared future. CUI x Victoria will create an opportunity for diverse sectors of Greater Victoria’s community to come together and grapple with community challenges and opportunities and generate actions that can be undertaken at many scales at once, from classrooms to neighbourhoods, from dinner tables to council tables.
Sessions include:
- Indigenous Welcome and Stories for a Canada Under Review:
- Indigenous Economies and New Collaborative Models for Greater Prosperity:
2YoM4aK - The Making of “Hope Meets Action: Echoes through the Black Continuum”:
3aiOVEU - Healthy and Just Food Systems:
3iDgtZZ - Belonging in Victoria: Muslim Voices for Change:
- Cindy Blackstock and Spirit Bear’s book launch: “Spirit Bear: Echoes of the Past, Based on a True Story”:
- Climate Justice, Climate Grief, Climate Action: Intergenerational Dialogue on Climate Change and What’s Next:
- Welcoming Victoria: Welcoming City Strategy:
And more! Visit
x-victoria/ to see the whole program and to register for individual sessions. In person sessions are on a first-come first served basis and will follow all public health guidelines. All are welcome to attend virtually and registration is free. Please help us spread the word by forwarding this email. CUIxVictoria is a great opportunity to take a deep dive into key issues in our community and generate ideas or action.
- Indigenous Welcome and Stories for a Canada Under Review: