When And Where

Date: 04/27/2024 Time:


Letters to the Editor

You are always welcome to write to the CBA board of directors if you have a question or comment relevant to Cordova Bay. One of the directors will be pleased to respond. Please contact us by e-mail: president@cbaca.ca. We look forward to hearing from you.

Something to share?

If you have a community announcement you are welcome to write us to: letter-to-editor@cbaca.ca.

  • May 14, 2024

    Letter Submitted to Saanich Mayor and Council re Cordova Bay Local Area Plan and the Strategic OCP Update

    Cordova Bay Neighbours, The CBACA has submitted a letter on April 27, 2024 to the Saanich Mayor and Council, with regards to the Cordova Bay Local Area Plan and the Strategic OCP update.


    Mayor and Council
    District of Saanich

    Re: Cordova Bay LAP and the Strategic OCP update
    We are writing to you today to express our concern regarding the severing of the November 2022
    Cordova Bay Local Area Plan (with the exception of the village sub-area) as a bylaw from the
    Strategic OCP update. The Cordova Bay Association of Community Affairs (CBACA) is
    seeking a commitment from Saanich to maintain the complete Cordova Bay LAP as a bylaw
    within the OCP and as importantly uphold all of the key plan directions, policy statements,
    actions and priorities that are integrated throughout the plan

    While there is an understandable focus on the need for more housing and hence the need to
    update the OCP, the Cordova Bay LAP is so much more than a “housing plan.” It is a plan that
    captures a longer-term vision of what we want our community to look like over the next 20-30
    years. The vision describes the overall intention and seeks to communicate a sense of purpose
    and serve as a guiding beacon for the community. It also considers the Official Community Plan
    and reflects on broader Saanich wide goals and responsibilities. The plan was not developed in

    The LAP is intended to be used by Council, community members, staff, property developers and
    other stakeholders to guide and evaluate potential change. This guidance extends to the
    evaluation of development applications, capital projects, municipal programs such as parks and a
    whole range of community initiatives.

    The LAP is or should be a trusted bond between the community and Saanich council as we move
    forward over time. It provides guidance to all concerned and more importantly, certainty for all
    concerned. In the case of the Cordova Bay LAP ( as well as Cadboro Bay) this is particularly
    true as this plan is only 2 years old. It is not out of date as maybe the case with other LAP’s in

    When the Cordova Bay LAP was being approved by council in November 2022, it was held up
    as a model plan that featured extensive community engagement and for the first-time
    involvement by the local First Nations in a community plan. Many of its objectives, policies and
    general planning approaches were also subsequently used in other Saanich planning initiatives.

    After spending hundreds of thousands of dollars of consultant and staff time, plus the hundreds
    of hours of committed volunteer time in the community, we are at a loss as to why such as
    successful (and fully supported) Cordova Bay LAP would be “downgraded” to a “non-binding”
    status for all of those areas outside of the village.

    As noted in the Cadboro Bay community’s April 10, 2024 response to this issue, “undermining
    the LAP document’s value upon completion disrespects the heart and effort invested by the
    community in their preparation.” Severing the village from the balance of the Cordova Bay
    community breaks the trusted bond that we as a community had with Saanich.

    We implore you to keep the entirety of the November 2022 Cordova Bay LAP and the other
    recently approved Cadboro Bay LAP as bylaws within the updated OCP.

    Cordova Bay is a whole community and severing the village as a “stand alone” bylaw zone from
    the rest of the area in the plan compromises the vision for our community that we and many of
    your staff worked so hard to achieve through the plan’s engagement and approval processes.


    Cordova Bay Association for Community Affairs Board of Directors
    Barb Lucas, President
    Gloria Wills, 1st Vice President
    David Kuprowsky, 2nd Vice President
    Eleanor Willing, Co-Chair, Planning
    Michael Giordano, Co-Chair, Planning
    Pat Bourke, Membership
    Karen Fediuk, Treasurer
    Brock Nordman, Public Relations and Advertising
    Quinn Yu, Chair, Events
    Dave Chater, Chair, Transportation & Parks

    cc. Barry Andruschak, Chair, Cadboro Bay Residents’ Association
    Lindsay Chase, Director of Planning
    Cameron Scott, Manager of Community Planning

    PO Box 41003 | 5166 Cordova Bay Road | Victoria, BC | V8Y 0A3
    Website: https://cbaca.ca/ Email: president@cbaca.ca