Nov 02, 2021
Lochside & Fowler Parks – Renewal Project-Saanich wants your input – Deadline Dec 1, 2021
Dear Members, the following is a message from
District of Saanich about the Lochside & Fowler Park Renewal ProjectSaanich Parks is beginning the process of a renewal project at Lochside and Fowler
Parks and we want your input. Prior to 1998, Saanich leased Lochside Park but on June 1, 1998, it was formally reserved on title as a Saanich park. The District acquired Fowler Park in 2006 with the intention of it being an extension of Lochside Park. Fowler Park is approximately 250m north of Lochside Park along the Lochside Regional Trail. The Park Renewal Project focuses on replacing the aging playground and tennis courts at Lochside and utilizing the open space at Fowler Park more effectively. There is a Saanich Council approved concept plan for Fowler Park (2008) that can be used as basis for discussion and review in today’s context. The sports fields at Lochside Park are not part of this project as they are well-established anchor facilities for the community.
The link to the Survey is on the Project page:
Lochside and Fowler Park Renewal Project | District of Saanich
This survey will take approximately 5-15 minutes to complete.