Letters to the Editor
Dec 16, 2017
CBA Response to Saanich Referral2 (Revised Plans) for DPA00900, 5120 and 5144 Cordova Bay Road (Plaza)
Subject: CBA Response to Saanich Referral2 (Revised Plans) for DPA00900,
5120 and 5144 Cordova Bay Road
Date: 2017-12-14 22:16
From: “Larry Gontovnick (cba.president@cbaca.ca)”
To: Ashli Sharpe <Ashli.Sharpe@saanich.ca>, planning@saanich.ca
Cc: Neil Findlow <Neil.Findlow@saanich.ca>, sharon.hvozdanski@saanich.ca
Reply-To: cba.president@cbaca.ca
Dear Saanich Planning:
Attached is the CBA Response to Saanich Referral2 (Revised Plans) for DPA00900, 5120 and 5144 Cordova Bay Road.
Also attached are the three attachments referenced in the CBA response to Saanich Referral2, as follows:
- CBA April 2nd, 2017 Response to Saanich Referral for the Plaza
- CBA September 7th, 2017 Updated Opinion for 986 & 990 Doumac Ave.
- CBA September 21st, 2017 Plaza Survey Results
Larry Gontovnick, President
Cordova Bay Association for Community Affairs (CBA)