• Jan 10, 2017

    Cordova Bay Village is Moving Forward

    Cordova Bay Village is Moving Forward

    by Roger Stonebanks, citizen reporter for SVO

    The Development Permit application for a new commercial-residential project to be called Cordova Bay Village to replace ageing (1960) Cordova Bay Plaza is expected to be made to Saanich later this month, Saanich Voice Online (SVO) has been told.

    “Just making a few minor changes to suite layouts before we apply as the minor changes affect elevations, etc.,” project architect Alan Lowe told SVO on Jan. 7 in response to our inquiries.

    “Also making slight changes to the underground parking layout to secure and separate the residential parking stalls from the public commercial stalls. We have also received comments from Saanich Engineering and we have slightly revised the right-of-way layout and co-ordinating with our civil and landscape consultants.

    “Aiming to have the project in [to Saanich] by Jan. 17.”

    The proposal increases the number of condos to 80 from the 16 in a commercial-residential plan that was approved by Saanich in 1999 but which did not go ahead because of underground gasoline pollution from a nearby former gas station site. Remediation by Shell Canada resulted in the Ministry of the Environment issuing a Certificate of Compliance in 2012.

    The new grocery would be 18,000 square compared with the present 7,500 square feet. It would be located behind the present grocery and north end of the strip mall. The loading dock would be at the rear. There would be three floors of condos above the grocery resulting in a four-storey building.

    The northeast corner of the property will have a three-storey building instead of a one-storey drive-thru as previously approved. The upper two storeys will be residential use.

    On the south side of the property, the previous plan’s 16 apartments on two floors above ground-level shops would remain retail on the ground floor but with three floors of condos above – the height not exceeding the regulation 49 feet or 15 metres. The building’s condos would be stepped back from Cordova Bay Road.

    Lowe said most of the condos in the redevelopment will be 1,000 to 1,100 square feet with two bedrooms.

    There will be parking on the surface and underground for 300 vehicles which includes the required 120 spaces for 80 condos.

    Other proposed features include a new linear pedestrian plaza, landscaping/streetscaping and bicycle path along Cordova Bay Road; a greenspace median would be created separating north and south vehicular traffic on Cordova Bay Road; plug-in for electric cars; bicycle racks; and a replacement community notice board.

    The Development Permit application, when received by Saanich, will be reviewed by municipal departments and brought to council’s committee of the whole when residents can speak and a decision made. Residents can make written comments to Mayor and Council at any time.