Mar 13, 2018
Garden Suites Study by Saanich
Subject: Garden Suite Study
Date: 2018-03-12 17:21
From: “Megan Squires” <Megan.Squires@saanich.ca>
To: “Megan Squires” <Megan.Squires@saanich.ca>
Hello Garden Suite Study Stakeholders,
I am emailing to let you know about the Garden Suite Study, which is currently underway in the District of Saanich. The purpose of the study is to explore community support for garden suites and to investigate potential regulatory changes to permit garden suites in the future. The study will take approximately 12 months to complete and will involve many opportunities for public engagement. I am contacting you directly in the hopes that you will share this information with your memberships and networks.
A survey is now available online (saanich.ca/gardensuites). We will be hosting two open houses this month and we will be in the community through March and April with information displays at local recreation centres and libraries.
At the links below is an FAQ that answers some initial questions about the study.
I am also including a link to the project website where you can go for current information, as well as to learn more about the background of the study.
saanich.ca/gardensuites [1]
For those interested in being involved, or following the progress of the study there is a link on the website that allows people to register to receive updates. I send out information to this list about upcoming community engagement opportunities, as well as meetings with Council.
Thank you for your time. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me directly.
Community Planner
Planning Department
District of Saanich
770 Vernon Avenue
Victoria BC V8X 2W7
- 250-475-5494 ext 3452
www.saanich.ca [2]
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[1] http://www.saanich.ca/gardensuites