
    The Larger our membership the greater our voice with Saanich Council on issues that affects Cordova Bay. Please help us meet our goal of 1000 members.

    Cordova Bay Association Payments
    Postal Code
    Phone Number
    New Member Renewal Member

    Email addresses will permit us to send announcements.

    For one-year memberships, or if you prefer to pay offline, please download our form and mail us a cheque. Please list the names and email addresses of all household members 18 years and older who wish to be members.

    NB: Note: When paying online (renewal or new member), please include the following information in the text boxes provided during the payment process:
    In PayPal, insert information in “Instructions to Merchants” textbox.
    In the Credit Card payment option, insert your information in the “Add special instructions to the seller” text box.
    Information required: Address, Email, Phone number
    If there is more than one member in the household please include all names and email addresses.
    This will save us contacting you for the information. Thank you!

    By cheque – join or renew for one, two, three or five years

    Mail theĀ Membership Application with the cheque payable to Cordova Bay Association for Community Affairs to:
    Membership Secretary
    P O Box 41003
    5166 Cordova Bay Road
    Victoria V8Y 0A3
    Or put it in the CBA box at the Cordova Bay Pharmacy I.D.A. at 5166 Cordova Bay Road.
    Receipts by e-mail or mail are available from:

    Your e-mail address is important to us

    Please ensure you include your e-mail address with your membership or payment form. This will assist us in communicating with you efficiently and help us avoid postage costs. Many thanks. And, members, if you change your e-mail address, please let us know.

    And, don’t forget, if you are a CBA member, we send the Cordovan newsletter to your e-mail address.
    CBA Membership Chair: Randy Otto.

Letters to the Editor

You are always welcome to write to the CBA board of directors if you have a question or comment relevant to Cordova Bay. One of the directors will be pleased to respond. Please contact us by e-mail: We look forward to hearing from you.

2024 Saanich Resident Pulse Survey – DEADLINE EXTENDED

The Cordova Bay Association for Community Affairs would like to share the following: From Saanich Citizen and Business Survey Results We conduct the citizen and business surveys every four years […]

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