Traffic Archive

    Traffic Update for 2015

    The current status for each project is given in the new posting on the C.B.A. website and it makes very dismal reading.

    You can see what our priorities are and that they have not changed significantly over the last couple of years. However, the response from Saanich Engineering has changed dramatically; in just about every case they either opposed or sidelined or delayed any action on every item. They went to great pains to claim that their actions ( inactions) were objective and based on the needs of the District as a whole. Having looked at the traffic data they provided and the dubious conclusions they drew from the data, we are not convinced that their claims are true.

    The fundamental problem is how to fund anything in this restrained environment.

    The three avenues of funding are:

    General Maintenance Budget

    Any item for Cordova Bay that has actually made it to this stage is so far down the list of competing items that it has little chance of resolution in the next five years based on funds from this budget.

    Development costs

    It has been standard practice to use new development to fund improvements nearby and this is clearly how they plan to carry out any changes within Cordova Bay.

    The sites where we can reasonably expect such developments in the next few years include:

    • The Trio Site
    • The gas station site at Duomac
    • The gas station site at Fenn
    • The plaza
    • The old general store at Haliburton

    Direct appeal to Mayor and Council

    This is the method of last resort but we had to use it about ten years ago to get action on the sidewalk issue and the Hunt/ Sayward/ Fowler intersection. That action went a long way to correct more that thirty years of neglect and we believed that the District would not fall back into the previous pattern of behavior. Unfortunately it seems as though that is exactly what they now plan to do. So this option remains alive and well.

    Enjoy the summer, travel safely and we will start again in the fall.

    List of Current Projects – July, 2015

    The list goes from north to south.

    Project #1
    Location Sayward Road/Pat Bay highway intersection
    Problem Poor cross walk location, bus acceleration lane and merging traffic a problem.Particularly when the warning lights don’t work. Problem for people visiting addresses on the slip road
    Originator Gwen MacPhearson
    Status with CBA Want safest possible mode of operation
    **Status with Saanich Provincial matter
    Comments The problems are resolvable
    Project #2
    Location Fowler Road/Fowler Park entrance
    Problem Speeding traffic
    Originator Residents on Fowler
    Status with CBA Want bike lanes and safe walking as part of the extension of the Streetscape plan from Mattick’s Farmto the highway
    Status with Saanich Agree that extension of bike lanes on Fowler Road would be an asset to community and overall cycling network.  Not identified as a priority within our five year capital construction plan.  However, as development in the area occurs, we will seek opportunities to capitalize on local infrastructure improvements.


    Comments Develop the entrance to the parking lot as a constriction to slow traffic down and add the bike lanesto narrow the lane-width for cars etc.
    Location Lochside Drive at Cordova Bay Road Junction
    Problem Overgrowth into the sidewalk / bike lane forces people into the middle of the road
    Originator Residents
    Status with CBA Want to see the vegetation trimmed regularly
    Status with Saanich Referred to Saanich Roads and Parks
    Comments Low cost; fast item to fix
    Project #4
    Location Parker Avenue
    Problem Blind corner at Fenn and Parker Avenue
    Originator Christine Nagy, resident
    Status with CBA Noted the problem
    Status with Saanich Refer to attached letter from ATC.


    Comments The ATC recommended several changes and scheduled them for fall 2013. This project is now closed.
    Project #5
    Location Parking at Cordova Bay Elementary School
    Problem Not enough space and dangerous drop-off location
    Originator Richard McMorran/55+ community
    Status with CBA Wants improved and safer parking
    Status with Saanich School Board project (off street circulation and drop off on private property).  Saanich staff more than willing to provide feedback with regards to on-site circulation patterns
    Comments Saanich can receive a donation of land from the school board and then develop a parking lot. Before that happens there is a need to examine the traffic circulation around the school so that the needs of the school and Community 55+ are met.
    Location Cordova Bay Road and Walema
    Problem People, especially young, unaccompanied children crossing the road to get to school.Danger ;Want a cross walk with a light.
    Originator Local petition organized by K. Insley
    Status with CBA Another element in the overall problem of CBR from Haliburton to Sayward
    Status with Saanich Item has been referred to Advisory Transportation Committee (ATC), will respond to petition and copy Community Association with response.
    Comments Need to fix these problems before any further developments take place
    Project #7
    Location Cordova Bay Road and Doumac
    Problem People crossing to the Plaza dodging traffic from several directions. Need a cross walk
    Originator Lorraine Huntley
    Status with CBA See project 6
    Status with Saanich Will be reviewed as part of developments traffic impact study.


    Comments Will be linked to developments at the plaza
    Location Bus shelter at Cordova Bay Plaza
    Problem The present dilapidated shelter discourages people from using the bus service
    Originator Anthony Minniti
    Status with CBA If we cannot get a better shelter the eyesore should be removed.
    Status with Saanich Agree that shelter is in aging condition.  Advise Public works Division to thoroughly clean and undertake some refurbishment of the shelter.
    Comments Saanich has changed the ground rules so, despite the promises of two years ago, we will not be getting a new shelter.
    Project #9
    Location Cordova Bay Road – Claremont to the Plaza
    Problem Speeding traffic on newly resurfaced road
    Originator CBA directors
    Status with CBA Want traffic calming
    Status with Saanich No changes proposed to laning configuration at this time.  Saanich does not support the use of stop signs as traffic calming devices.
    Comments Start by painting lines on the road and designating a left turn into the Plaza.There is a new proposal for condominiums at Doumac need a traffic plan to go with it.
    Project #10
    Location Claremont/Doris Page Park
    Problem Traffic from Claremont cannot see approaching traffic along CBR.Traffic on CBR does not see the 30kph park sign.

    Passing in the park/ playground area.

    Originator CBA board/Residents/Roger Stonebanks
    Status with CBA Want a three way stop at the junction. Double yellow lines on the road through the playground.Clear designation of a Park at the entrance to Doris Page park.
    Status with Saanich Saanich does not support a three way stop or the use of stop signs as traffic calming devices. 
    Comments Any changes here must be linked to changes at the old general store site and Doris Page Park for funding
    Location Haliburton and Cordova Bay Road
    Problem People park their cars in the designated area and have difficulty crossing the road to the playground and beach
    Originator Residents and park users
    Status with CBA See project 6
    Status with Saanich All proposed crosswalks must be reviewed in accordance to Pedestrian Crossing Control Manual for BC.
    Comments See project 10
    Project #12
    Location Royal Oak Dr/Cordova Bay Rd/Blenkinsop Rd intersection
    Problem Too many vehicles using the right-filter lane into Cordova Bay
    Originator CBA/Streetscape
    Status with CBA Ideally, want Want the filter lane closed but need a significant reduction in traffic coming through Cordova Bay to the           highway hig   Highway
    Status with Saanich This leg of the intersection is near capacity, modifying the length of the right turn slip lane will only cause further delay and not deter traffic from using Cordova Bay Road
    Comments If we can reduce the length of the filter lane to match the one at Royal Oak/Blenkinsopthen the traffic flow would be more than halved when the light is red. Disagree with the conclusion that traffic would not be deterred from using Cordova Bay Road
    Project #13
    Location West Bank intersection with Cordova Bay Road
    Problem Dangerous location and a developer wanted to build houses on the park boundary requiring a steep road for access.Limited visibility for merging traffic.
    Originator Leslie Friedmann
    Status with CBA Need to improve visibility at the junction
    Status withSaanich    Refer to Saanich Parks for trimming to improve visibility.Land now park l
    Comment Should be done this year
    Project #14
    Location Cordova bay Road along the cliffs
    Problem The cliffs are slipping faster than before
    Originator Thurber Engineering
    Status with CBA Implement the Sandwell plan for cliff stabilization and beach protection
    Status with Saanich Existing comment is still valid.  Committed to the Sandwell plan provided they can find a partner to share the $16 million cost.
    Comments The Sandwell plan has the support of all the community groups and should not be abandoned.
    Project #15
    Location Pat Bay highway frontage road
    Problem Too many homes and businesses have entrances directly on the Pat Bay highway
    Originator CBA
    Status with CBA Want it formally incorporated into the future plans for the highway
    Status with Saanich A matter for Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure


    Comments The highways department recognizes the need for this and has prepared a plan but there is no money.Would need only a single lane not two lanes
    Project #16
    Location Haliburton and the Pat Bay highway
    Problem Turning left from Haliburton, and pedestrians on the gravel shoulder
    Originator Residents and Saanich engineering
    Status with CBA Want safe walking to school
    Status with Saanich A matter for Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure 
    Comments Looks good but still has not addressed the problem of access to the rowing centre on Elk Lake.Talked to Provincial engineers about changing the light pattern.
    Location a) Sunnymead, Maplegrove, McMinn Park b) Approaches to Lochside Elementary School
    Problem Speeding traffic near a playground and lack of signs on the approaches to Lochside Elementary School
    Originator Residents/Colin Millard
    Status with CBA Discuss with Saanich
    Status with Saanich Refer to letter dated April 7, 2015
    Comments Make the ring road 40 kph to conform with the surroundings Speed bumps past Mc Minn park extension of Lochside.Saanich claims in its letter that vehicles are not speeding along this road and no action needs to be taken.
    Project #18
    Location   Claremont Road 700 block
    Problem Too many fast moving vehicles passing as residents try to get out of their drive ways. Want speed bumps
    Originator G.W. Boyd/Residents
    Status with CBA Ideally, want the filter lane closed but need a significant reduction in traffic coming through Cordova Bay to the highway
    Status with Saanich Claremont Road is a collector road in this area and expected to carry volumes in the 10,000 vpd range. Claremont carries approx 2700 vpd. Speed bumps will not be considered on Claremont as a traffic calming measure. Recommend that the police are contacted for enforcement and potentially deployment of the speed reader board.
    Comment How did the speed bumps at the top of Sea Ridge drive get installed ?

    Overall Picture – List of Projects 2014

    Project #1

    Location Sayward Road/Pat Bay highway intersection
    Problem Too many accidents
    Originator CBA/Provincial highways/MLA Saanich South
    Status with CBA Approved the upgrade
    Status with Saanich Approved the upgrade
    Comments There should be no need for a flyover unless the traffic volume on the Pat Bay highway increases significantly. Project completed end of October 2013.

    Project #2

    Location Sayward/Hunt/Fowler corner
    Problem Difficult grades and traffic patterns
    Originator Doug Beale/Streetscape/CBA
    Status with CBA Approved the concept but did not have an opportunity to see the detailed drawings
    Status with Saanich Project completed in 2013
    Comments It provides a better and safer traffic pattern and bus-stop location. It allows traffic to move faster along Fowler. Therefore traffic calming, bike lane/sidewalks and constrictions were needed to slow the traffic.

    Project #3

    Location Fowler Road/Fowler Park entrance
    Problem Speeding traffic
    Originator Residents on Fowler
    Status with CBA Want bike lanes and safe walking as part of the extension of the Streetscape plan from Mattick’s Farm to the highway
    Status with Saanich Has been discussed but there is no commitment yet
    Comments Develop the entrance to the parking lot as a constriction to slow traffic down and add the bike lanes to narrow the lane-width for cars etc.

    Project #4

    Location Parker Avenue
    Problem Blind corner at Fenn and Parker Avenue
    Originator Christine Nagy, resident
    Status with CBA Noted the problem
    Status with Saanich Planning and engineering departments dealing with the problem
    Comments Resident dealing directly with Saanich.

    Project #5

    Location Parking at Cordova Bay Elementary School
    Problem Not enough space and dangerous drop-off location
    Originator Richard McMorran
    Status with CBA In discussion with Saanich and school board
    Status with Saanich Discussion with district very positive, less so from the Engineering Department
    Comments Need to get school board approval for use of some of their land. Helps that enrolment at the school has rebounded and the 55 Plus goes from strength to strength.

    Project #6

    Location Bus shelter at Cordova Bay Plaza
    Problem The present dilapidated shelter discourages people from using the bus service
    Originator Anthony Minniti
    Status with CBA Want it as part of the upgrade for the Plaza and to encourage people to use the bus service
    Status with Saanich It will be installed as soon as one becomes available from another site this year
    Comments Need more bus riders if we want to have more influence.

    Project #7

    Location Cordova Bay Road – Claremont to the Plaza
    Problem Speeding traffic on newly resurfaced road
    Originator CBA directors
    Status with CBA Want traffic calming
    Status with Saanich Has heard the complaint but no suggestions yet
    Comments Start by painting lines on the road and designating a left turn into the Plaza.

    Project #8

    Location Doris Page Park
    Problem No indication that it is a park on the stretch adjacent to Cordova Bay Road
    Originator Roger Stonebanks
    Status with CBA Want the garbage collected and the park boundary clearly marked
    Status with Saanich Parks department is committed to finding a solution
    Comments Some brush and overhanging vines have been trimmed back and tires, garden waste etc removed.Need to press for rock installation to better define the park boundary and entrance.

    Project #9

    Location a) Sunnymead, Maplegrove, McMinn Park
    b) Approaches to Lochside Elementary School
    Problem Speeding traffic near a playground and lack of signs on the approaches to Lochside Elementary School
    Originator Colin Millard
    Status with CBA Discuss with Saanich
    Status with Saanich None yet
    Comments Need traffic calming measures but need the support of the residents who will live near the installation if it is going to be successful.

    Project #10

    Location Royal Oak Dr/Cordova Bay Rd/Blenkinsop Rd intersection
    Problem Too many vehicles using the right-filter lane
    Originator CBA/Streetscape
    Status with CBA Ideally, want the filter lane closed but need a significant reduction in traffic coming through Cordova Bay to the highway
    Status with Saanich Prepared to talk about a reduction but not a closure at this point
    Comments If we can reduce the length of the filter lane to match the one at Royal Oak/Blenkinsop then the traffic flow would be more than halved when the light is red.

    Project #11

    Location West Bank intersection with Cordova Bay Road
    Problem Dangerous location and a developer wanted to build houses on the park boundary requiring a steep road for access
    Originator Leslie Friedmann
    Status with CBA Opposed the development and wanted Saanich to acquire the land for Park Status with Saanich. Latest: Requested undeveloped part of West Bank be removed as road right-of-way and reserved as possible pedestrian access to the park from Cordova Bay Road. This action will preserve about 100 mature trees from destruction
    Comments Saanich confirms it will convert land to parkland. Mayor Frank Leonard credited the Friends of Mount Douglas Park Society with bringing the two parcels to the attention of Saanich.

    Project #12

    Location Cordova bay Road along the cliffs
    Problem The cliffs are slipping faster than before
    Originator Thurber Engineering
    Status with CBA Implement the Sandwell plan for cliff stabilization and beach protection
    Status with Saanich Committed to the Sandwell plan provided they can find a partner to share the $16 million cost
    Comments The Sandwell plan has the support of all the community groups and should not be abandoned.

    Project #13

    Location Pat Bay highway frontage road
    Problem Too many homes and businesses have entrances directly on the Pat Bay highway
    Originator CBA
    Status with CBA Want it formally incorporated into the future plans for the highway
    Status with Saanich The municipality has no stake in the matter and it is purely a matter for the provincial highways department
    Comments The highways department recognizes the need for this and is prepared to address the problem. Action this year.

    Project #14

    Location Haliburton and the Pat Bay highway
    Problem Turning left from Haliburton, and pedestrians on the gravel shoulder
    Originator Residents and Saanich engineering
    Status with CBA Want safe walking to school
    Status with Saanich Saanich has plans for sidewalks and bike trails along Haliburton but is not prepared to invest in them until the Province finalizes what it wants at this junction.
    Comments Looks good but still has not addressed the problem of access to the rowing centre on Elk Lake.

    Improvements for Pat Bay/Sayward

    The Pat Bay Highway is safer. Intersection improvements at Sayward Road, including acceleration and deceleration lanes, are now in place.
    Victoria News report, Oct. 30, 2013.
    CTV video clip Oct. 30, 2013.
    Times Colonist article, Nov. 2, 2013.
    We’ll keep you up to date on the Traffic page.


    A safety-first campaign initiated five years ago by the Cordova Bay Association for Community Affairs (CBA) will result in a number of improvements worth $3 million at the intersection of Patricia Bay Highway and Sayward Road.
    The improvements will include a new northbound deceleration lane on the highway (for traffic turning right onto Sayward Road) and a new northbound acceleration lane and merge lane on the highway for traffic turning right from Sayward Road. Construction is expected to start in spring 2013 after necessary land acquisitions.
    The first improvement, a CONGESTION AHEAD warning sign located just south of the Sayward Road intersection, for northbound traffic, is now up and running.
    The decision by the provincial government, announced on Aug. 15, 2012, will implement the recommendations of the Sayward Intersection Working Group that was formed by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure with representatives from the CBA, Saanich council, businesses, BC Transit and Saanich South MLA Lana Popham who also organized two public input meetings.
    For previous articles, information and to read recommendations from the Opus Hamilton traffic report for this intersection, please click here: Pat Bay/Sayward intersection safety issues.

    Victoria News up-to-date story and graphic – click here.
    Ministry article – click here.

    Traffic transition in Cordova Bay

    What’s next for Cordova Bay?
    With any physical change in the community there comes an associated traffic problem. With several significant projects on the horizon, we can expect traffic issues to be a consistent theme in the future.
    The major buzz words for this decade are: “sustainable development” and “livability.” For Cordova Bay that means controlling the inevitable increase in housing density and developing a village core to attract residents and reduce the need for car trips to Broadmead and Royal Oak.

    What can be done to address traffic increase and safety issue in Cordova Bay? To read the full article by CBA Traffic Chair, Graham Shorthill: please click here.

    Progress on problem corner

    Saanich has posted Slow to 30 kilometre an hour signs on both approaches to the problem corner of Sayward/Hunt/Fowler roads.
    This action follows a public-safety campaign, launched by the Cordova Bay Association for Community Affairs (CBA), responding to concerns of residents because of frequent speeding by motorists resulting in several accidents with injuries and property damage as well as near-accidents.
    The CBA has proposed that a three-way stop be installed with a redesigned T-intersection and will continue to press for this change.

Letters to the Editor

You are always welcome to write to the CBA board of directors if you have a question or comment relevant to Cordova Bay. One of the directors will be pleased to respond. Please contact us by e-mail: We look forward to hearing from you.

Saanich removes 2 stop signs on Lochside Drive at Walema.

Saanich removes 2 stop signs on Lochside Drive at Walema. October 3, 2024 Pedestrians and other road users beware. Saanich has removed the 2 stop signs on Lochside Drive at […]

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