Transportation and Parks

    The CBA Transportation and Parks Chair is listed on the BoD page here.
    The CBA Transportation and Parks Committee, with members from various areas of Cordova Bay, works with the residents, Municipality and Province to resolve issues of concern around transportation and parks in Cordova Bay. If you are interested in transportation and parks-related matters in our area, consider becoming an active CBA member and working with this committee.

    Click here to see the Map 7.1: Parks, open space, trails and community facilities from the Cordova Bay Local Area Plan dated Nov. 5, 2021.

    2024 – 2026 Transportation and Parks Committee Priorities

                                                   August 2024

    Strategic priorities
    1. Continue to advocate for pedestrian and cycling safety improvements along the Cordova Bay/Fowler/Sayward Roads corridor.
    2. Develop a partnership with local First Nations, Saanich Parks, Uvic and other partners on the installation of an art and cultural feature in one of the Cordova Bay beach parks.
    3. Pursue partnerships with accessibility advocate organizations, local community groups and Saanich Engineering and Parks on improved accessibility to the beaches.
    4. Engage with Saanich Parks on enhanced park entrance, wayfaring and interpretive signs in the parks (with a focus on Doris Page Park) and beaches.
    5. Continue to advocate with the Resilient Saanich Program for the protection and enhancement of the area’s unique natural features and ecosystem.

    Operational engagements as the opportunities arise
    – Provide support and increase the profile for local volunteer group efforts to remove invasive plant species and restore natural areas in parks such as Doris Page, Sayward Hill, Boulderwood and McMinn Parks.
    – Engage with developers ( e.g. Aragon Properties/Trio lands) on transportation, parks and public art priorities.
    – Engage with Saanich Engineering in the future planning process for Lochside Drive ( i.e. McMinn Park to Matticks’s Farm section) to improve the safety, comfort and enjoyment of this route for cyclists and pedestrians.
    – Engage with Saanich Parks on the future upgrade of Lochside Park.
    – Address resident concerns on transportation & park issues as required.

    Transportation Safety Updates – March 16, 2024 

    Two important transportation safety initiatives have recently been completed in Cordova Bay.

    An advance left hand turn light has now been installed at the intersection of Sayward Road and Highway #17. The new advance turn light will make access turning south onto the highway safer and more convenient for many Cordova Bay residents. 

    This has been a long-standing issue for the CBACA Transportation Committee and former CBACA President Alex Izett. It is nice to see approximately 5 years of advocating with Saanich and the Ministry of Transportation come to fruition.

    Secondly, residents who are walking, cycling or driving along Lochside Drive between McMinn Park and Mattick’s Farm will notice new speed limit signs have now been installed. The speed limit on this section of Lochside Drive is now 30km/h. The reduced speed limit will make it safer and more comfortable for pedestrians ( including school children) and cyclists who use this route. 

    The lowered speed limit on Lochside is part of Phase 2 of Saanich’s speed limit establishment  policy for residential streets and also reflects this street’s status as a AAA cycling route. 

    Transportation and Parks Committee Update August 2023

    On June 26, 2023, Saanich Council approved the People, Pets and Parks Strategy. The District of
    Saanich initiated the People, Pets and Parks Strategy (the Strategy) in 2021
    to respond to a growing population of people and pets, increasing density, changing
    community needs, concern for the environment, and an increase in park visitation. The
    purpose of the Strategy was to provide positive relationships between people, pets and the

    The strategy shifts the Animal Bylaw and Park Management Bylaw from allowing dogs to be
    off-leash and under control to requiring all pets to be on-leash and under control unless in
    a designated leash-optional area or on designated trails. The strategy also provides leash-
    optional opportunities, dog exercise areas, trails and amenities in each
    neighbourhood and also prioritizes communication, education, signage and enforcement.
    In the case of Cordova Bay, the entire beach area of Cordova Bay will now be deemed an off-
    leash dog area. There will no longer be any seasonal or hourly restrictions in the new bylaw

    For note, Cordova Bay beach will now be the only beach in Saanich, Victoria or Esquimalt to
    allow dogs off leash.

    While the strategy was approved by council, the new bylaws that underpin the strategy have
    not been developed or passed by council. The new bylaws are not expected to be brought
    before Council until the fall of 2023 or early 2024.

    The CBACA met with Saanich Parks in late July to better understand the “why” Cordova Bay
    beach was selected as the only off leash dog beach in Saanich. We also discussed the “what
    next” of this apparent transition. Going forward, the CBACA will be meeting with Saanich Parks
    on a regular basis to ensure that our beach is properly managed to protect the environment
    and there is increased beach/park maintenance and bylaw enforcement (i.e.., pets under
    control and parking infractions). We will also be insisting on an effective monitoring and
    evaluation program for the beach so that it continues to stay the beach we all know and love.

    Until the new bylaws are approved, there will be NO change in the seasonal and daytime
    restrictions on the beach. Saanich Parks has installed signage at the trail access points on the
    beach to advise of the status of the restrictions.

    October, 2022  Transportation Updates

     At their October 24 meeting, Saanich Council has decided to pause the implementation of the “Quick build pedestrian walkway” projects that were announced in March. The council had heard from several community associations and affected residents that they had not been consulted about the projects and that several residents felt disrespected by the planned (and now paused) projects.

    In Cordova Bay, the projects that have now been put on pause were in the Sunnymead area and in the 4000 block of Del Monte Ave.

    Staff were directed to review the planned projects and to come back to council with other options.

     On pause are:  “Quick build” pedestrian walkways announced – In March, Saanich Council announced several “quick build” pedestrian safety improvement projects throughout several areas in Saanich. For Cordova Bay, there are plans to undertake these “quick build” pedestrian walkways in Sunnymead and along the 4000 block of Del Monte Avenue.

    The genesis of these projects come from Saanich’s 2018 Active Transportation Plan and the new Cordova Bay Local Area Plan.

    The CBACA was not notified in advance of the announcement of these projects nor involved directly in the project planning consultations.

    While we are supportive of active transportation projects that improve pedestrian safety in Cordova Bay, we had hoped that Saanich would have directly consulted or informed the affected residents and the CBACA prior to this announcement. We have sent a letter to Saanich’s traffic department requesting that, in the future, they consult with the residents most affected and the CBACA itself prior to announcing and implementing projects of this nature.

    September 2022 Transportation Updates

    Just some quick updates on several transportation projects and issues in Cordova Bay:

    1.   Cordova Bay Road sidewalk improvement project delayed. The sidewalk improvement
    project between Walema and Rambler roads along Cordova Bay Road near the
    elementary school has been delayed until 2023.

    The CBACA was able to confirm with Saanich Engineering that the project will now be
    scheduled for the spring and summer of 2023. This postponement was due to staffing
    and resource constraints within the municipality.

    2.   High visibility school area road markings and improved school zone signs have been
    installed on the roadways near Cordova Bay and Lochside Elementary Schools as well as
    adjacent to Claremont High School. These new high-profile markings are now in place
    near schools throughout Saanich.

    3.   Flexible road markers or bollards have now been installed on portions of the bike lanes
    along Fowler and Sayward Roads near the intersection at Hunt Road. These bollards
    provide a physical delineation between the bike lanes and vehicle traffic lanes. They also
    act as a traffic calming measure to hopefully reduce the speeds of vehicles in this area.

    Credit for these safety improvements goes to the residents in this area who have
    strongly advocated for reduced speeds and other safety measures in this area of the
    Cordova Bay/Fowler/Sayward corridor.

    4.   Pedestrian safety “Quick Build Projects.” Saanich announced in March a wide range of
    quick build projects across the municipality from the district’s Active Transportation
    Plan. For Cordova Bay, there were several pedestrian walkways identified:
    - Del Monte Avenue (Haliburton to Claremont)
    - Galey Way (Cordova Bay to Sunnymead)
    - Sunnymead (4660 Sunnymead to 4708 Sunnymead)
    - Maplegrove (Sunnymead to McMinn Park)

    These walkways will be created using an extruded asphalt curb installed on the existing
    pavement and restricting parking along one side of the road. Locations that connect to
    schools, parks, recreation centers or other community services have been prioritized.

    All these projects were identified in Saanich’s 2018 Active Transportation Plan and
    recently approved Local Area Plan for Cordova Bay.


    Current 2021 CBA Transportation Project Groupings:
    1. Access to Pat Bay Highway, with two left turn lanes from Sayward Rd. south onto the highway.
    2. Aragon development, in conjunction with the Pinnacle development on Sayward Hill – need for traffic control at the intersection of Cordova Bay Rd. and Fowler Rd. (raffic lights or traffic circle).
    3. Revitalization of the Village Core and transportation issues (vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians) around the new Plaza.
    4. Lochside Trail, from McMinn Park to Mattick’s Farm, for vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians.

    1. Access to the Pat Bay Highway
    -North Bound – No changes needed.
    -South Bound – Only Sayward and Haliburton Rds. available.
    -We are advocating for two southbound turning lanes south at the Sayward Rd. junction to reduce wait times, and on the west side of the same junction, an acceleration lane.
    -A major challenge will be to convince residents from the new developments at Sayward Hill and Aragon to go to the Sayward Rd. and Pat Bay Hwy junction rather than using Santa Clara Ave. to get to Haliburton Rd. or Cordova Bay Rd. through the village.

    2.Aragon/Pinnacle Development
    -To cope with the extra traffic, Fowler Rd. and Sayward Rd. will need upgrading to be in line with the Cordova Bay streetscape plan and some form of traffic control will be needed at the junction of Cordova Bay and Fowler Rds. (traffic circle/roundabout? three way stop? traffic lights?)

    3a.Revitalization of the Village Core
    (Cordova Bay Rd. from Maxine Lane to the Plaza)
    -General speeding traffic, not obeying the 40 km/hr. limit.
    -Ignoring the 30 km/hr limit at Doris Page Park/Cordova Bay Park.
    -Poor sight lines at the foot of Claremont and Cordova Bay Rd, looking north.
    -Dangerous crossing with no pedestrian controlled crosswalk at the foot of Gloria Pl.
    -Poor lighting at the Maxine Ln. and Cordova Bay Rd. intersection.
    Recommendations Include:
    -Install a pedestrian controlled crosswalk with flashing lights at the old general store for beach access. Requested, but Saanich holding off until LAP review finished.
    -Install permanent and secure speed reader boards giving motorists the posted speed and their actual speed, and which flashes when there is a big excess.
    -Install a “Small Vehicle Only” sign on the first parking space for the southern-most space in the south-bound lane, to improve sight lines.
    -All crosswalks in the core to have pedestrian controlled flashing lights.
    -Cordova Bay Rd. and Maxine Ln. intersection requires more and better lighting. The big tree blocking most of the light from the one overhead light needs a crew to cut it back for better light. Perhaps consideration could also be given to a crosswalk there with pedestrian activated flashing lights. It would also add to traffic taming of those who drive at excessive speed.

    3b.Revitalization of the Village Core
    (Cordova Bay Rd. from the Plaza to Cordova Bay Elementary)
    Recommendations Include:
    -Installation of a median from the plaza to the old gas station at Fenn.
    -Allow breaks in the median at Doumac Ave. etc, allowing left turns for local residents exiting south.
    -Install two permanent flashing speed reader boards for the school zone set for 30 km/hr (Fenn to Mattick’s).
    -Upgrade the sidewalks and bike lanes.
    -Install signs for the end of lower speed zones: perhaps “end of 30km/hr zone, 40 km/hr resumes”.

    4.Lochside Trail from McMinn Park to Mattick’s Farm
    -This section of the trail is set for an upgrade as part of Saanich’s “Active Living Initiative”. The current LAP upgrading will also be addressing this.
    -The problems are still clashes between: Residents and Cyclists, Pedestrians and Cyclists, and  Motorists with both Pedestrians and Cyclists
    -The fundamental problem is a lack of space and segregation of the users.
    -Residents need to clear or have cleared the boulevard in front of their homes.
    -Residents can prune or have pruned limbs from trees blocking vision of oncoming traffic.
    -Residents can park their own cars off the road and in their driveways.

    Active and Pending Projects 2019:
    -Completed projects this year have been the advance turn arrow going south onto the Pat Bay Hwy, at the foot of Haliburton Rd., and the 30 km/hr signage at the dangerous corner of Fenn and Parker.
    -Nearing completion is the extension of the sidewalk on the north side of Haliburton Rd. to the Pat Bay Hwy – just line painting to be done.
    -Set for the 2019 budget year are culverts and filling in the ditches on the bottom of the south side of Haliburton Rd. for bike lanes.
    -Also set for the 2019 budget is improving the safety of Fenn Ave. by installing a curbed sidewalk on the north side, curving up the sharp hill/corner and around onto Parker Ave.


    CBA Transportation Committee Requests Feedback until November 15, 2017

    The Cordova Bay Association for Community Affairs Transportation Committee is requesting your feedback/input on proposed traffic calming measures along Cordova Bay Road. The Transportation Committee is a group of 9 Cordova Bay residents who are very concerned about the current and likely to be increased traffic in Cordova Bay.  Currently, we have decided to  focus on Cordova Bay Road as noted in the overview, as this is likely the area that will be most impacted by the increased traffic of the new developments.

    As you will note on the overview we have numbered areas on the map that the committee has identified as safety or problem areas.  As a resident of Cordova Bay we would greatly appreciate your input/feedback.

    The CB+55 have agreed to allow us to display this overview in the CB+55 space at Cordova Bay Elementary school. They will not be providing any direction in regard to this matter and we ask that your input/comments/suggestions be directed to the CBA Transportation Committee at . The overview will be on display Monday through Friday 9-3.30 until November 15, with one evening opportunity for viewing Thursday, November 9 from 7-9 p.m. also in the CB+55 space.  As well, the overview is provide here in four sections: One, Two, Three and Four.

    Please help us correlate the results in a meaningful way when responding, by putting the area(s) that you are responding to in the subject line i.e. #2 Cordova Bay School or if your comments are general than please put “general comment” in the subject line of your email.  Also please provide your address for our information.

    We will be seeking feedback until November 15, 2017 and once we have correlated the results we will share the themes from the feedback with the CBA membership, CBA Board of Directors, Saanich, BC Transit and others as deemed necessary.

    We understand that we cannot stop traffic as we all know this is a beautiful area that people are drawn to.  Our intent is to provide Saanich Engineering feedback and information from our community members so they can manage traffic to ensure safety for all using our roads, parks and beaches.

    Thank you in advance for supporting the work of the CBA Transportation Committee.


    Lynda Vallee, Traffic Co-Chair                                   Dave Mitton, Traffic Co-Chair


    July 4, 2016 from Saanich News

    Construction work brings delays to Pat Bay Highway

    Motorists are being advised of construction starting this week on the Pat Bay Highway between Sayward Road and Haliburton Road and are advised to expect delays.

    The work is expected to be complete in the early fall and will include the repaving of approximately three kilometres, as well as safety improvements at Cordova Bay Road that, once complete, will allow only right-in, right-out from this road. The timing of the traffic signals at both the Sayward and Haliburton intersections will be adjusted as needed to accommodate the expected traffic pattern changes.

    The majority of work will occur at night when traffic volumes are low. Work will not occur over holiday weekends and staff will be monitoring traffic throughout the duration of the project to ensure any delays related to construction are minimal. The work schedule may also change due to weather and other conditions.

    Motorists are advised to allow for extra time and are reminded to obey traffic control personnel and construction speed limits, and watch for workers and highway message boards. For up-to-date traffic advisories, please check:

    For older Traffic items, check our Traffic Archive

    • New sidewalk
    • Looking north from Sunnygrove Terrace
    • Looking south from Sunnygrove Terrace
    • Parking in 1946
    • Horse-drawn Cedar Hill school bus and children from Blenkinsop Rd and Cordova Bay 191-
Letters to the Editor

You are always welcome to write to the CBA board of directors if you have a question or comment relevant to Cordova Bay. One of the directors will be pleased to respond. Please contact us by e-mail: We look forward to hearing from you.

Saanich removes 2 stop signs on Lochside Drive at Walema.

Saanich removes 2 stop signs on Lochside Drive at Walema. October 3, 2024 Pedestrians and other road users beware. Saanich has removed the 2 stop signs on Lochside Drive at […]

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